WYA – LSPR Certified Training Program was held from the 18th – 21st of August 2015. WYA or World Youth Alliance is an NGO engaged in promoting human dignity, and consists of more than 1 million young people around the world. Hosted by LSPR Career Center, through Ms. Candy Hernandez & Puket 3, Mr. Immanuel Hutagalong at LSPR TV Studio Campus B – Jakarta, 25 students from LSPR Top 10 Student List was asked to submit application only 10 students had the chance to receive training from professionals of WYA Asia Pacific. All 10 students were chosen after careful selection process, both from Career Center, Puket 3 & WYA Asia Pacific and then was trained for 4 days to be a Certified Track A WYA  Members. With the students who passed the Certification, there will be an open election for the new officers for the proposed LSPR-WYA Chapter that will be opened for the first time in Indonesia under the name of WYA – LSPR.

Lord Pomperada - Regional Director of WYA

Lord Pomperada – Regional Director of WYA

Training began on Tuesday, August 18, 2015. Opening Ceremony was held to welcome the WYA Asia Pacific team that flew right from Philippines & Taiwan. Lord Pomperada as Regional Director, together with his team Zarina San Jose, Mary, and Jeremy were the facilitator for this training program. Plaque of Appreciation from LSPR was handed by Ms. Candy Hernandez, M.Si as Head of Career Center and was assigned as the acting WYA Moderator for the proposed WYA-LSPR Chapter to all the facilitators for the Certified Track A Training before the program officially began.

the lucky students who choosen to join the training from WYA

the lucky students who choosen to join the training from WYA

Currently WYA has 21 Chapter that spread throughout the world, while WYA Asia Pacific Chapter itself is located in Philippines. During the four days training the participants was given the knowledge about the importance of dignity of a human person, and also knowledge about the history of World Youth Alliance and its activities. Participants were trained through a variety of presentations, group discussions, consultations, and fun games. On the last day, the all 9 participants must go through a certification examination for the Track A Training before officially becoming an accredited member of the World Youth Alliance. Participants who pass from this Track A Training Program will have the opportunity to participate in various WYA activities such as WYAAP Summer Camp, UN Conference as delegates from WYA, join Internship in all WYA Chapter, become training facilitator, participated in various WYA Forum, and moreover having the opportunity to become a WYA regional staff.

the World Youth Alliance Asia Pacific team

the World Youth Alliance Asia Pacific team

Closing Ceremony was held on the last day after participants took their exams. At the closing ceremony it was announced that all 9 participants passed the Track A Training of WYA-LSPR Certified Training Program. This means that the chosen participants have qualification and showed great performance throughout the 4-days training. Certificates are awarded to all participants followed by a group photo before the training program officially ended.

Plaque of appreciation for WYA

Plaque of appreciation for WYA

Zarina San Jose, facilitator training and also the Regional Director of Operations WYA Asia Pacific stated, “I would like to congratulate you for being among our newly-accredited Track A members! We are truly grateful for your attendance and active participation during the 4-day Track A Training program. It was a challenging couple of days, but we are proud of the great success that you have accomplished. We look forward to seeing you grow, and to witness what creative ideas and contributions you have in store for the World Youth Alliance family. Congratulations!”

All participants get certificates from WYA

All participants get certificates from WYA

Hiskia Majesty, IR 16-1C student and also one of the training participants expressed his opinion, “We’re more than blessed to be able to join and pass this eye-opening program in which we learned a lot about the importance of understanding the dignity of a human person. It actually changes the way I grasp the world.”

The certified members of this Track A Training will mark the proposed soon-to-be-born WYA-LSPR Chapter. These 9 students are expected to be the authorized officer for WYA-LSPR Chapter and actively promote human dignity to the youth in Indonesia.