Xenia Angelica Wijayanto, S.H., M.Si.

Expert in:
Legal Studies

LSPR Institute
S2 Ilmu Komunikasi

Universitas Gadjah Mada
S1 Ilmu Hukum

Professional Experience

Lecturer LSPR Institute – Present

Head of Publication Centre LSPR Institute – Present

Publication / Research:
(2020). Copyright issue on music back sound usage by Indonesian YouTuber

(2021). Batak Christian Congregations as Part of Self and Cultural Identity

(2021). Disaster Communication Representation on BNPB’s Instagram as COVID-19 Response Acceleration Task Force

(2022). LITERASI DIGITAL TENTANG VAKSIN COVID-19 DI KALANGAN GURU SMA DI INDONESIA (2022). Komunikasi Publik Pemerintah Republik Indonesia terkait Pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia

(2022). Online e-cigarette promotion in Indonesia (2022). Twitter as a Public Sphere for COVID-19 Vaccine Discussion

(2023). Peran Media Lokal dalam Pencegahan Radikalisme Guna Mendukung Kerukunan Beragama di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT).

(2023). Retorika Pidato Celebrity Maudy Ayunda sebagai Juru Bicara Presidensi G21.

(2023). Building Democracy and Freedom of Expression by Fighting the Covid-19 Infodemic in the Digital Space Among the Younger Generation in Indonesia

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